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International Women’s Day

At Butte College

Each year, International Women's Day is celebrated at Butte College and around the world on March 8. Each one of us - with women, men and non-binary people joining forces - can be a leader within our own spheres of influence by taking bold pragmatic action to accelerate gender parity. Through purposeful collaboration, we can help women advance and unleash the limitless potential offered to economies the world over. Check the GEO calendar for activiteis happening to honor this day.


2018 - Press for Progress

Gender parity won't happen overnight. And sources cite that women's equality is still a long way off.

But the good news is that across the world, women are making positive gains, day by day. And there's a strong and growing global movement of advocacy, activism and support.

But we can't be complacent. Now, more than ever, there's a strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. A call to motivate and unite friends, colleagues and whole communities to think, act and be gender inclusive.

Together, let's be tenacious in really accelerating gender parity. Collectively, let's all Press for Progress.

2018 Profiles in Excellence


Elaine ChaoElaine Chao

U.S. Secretary of Transportation
First Asian American Woman to be Appointed to a President's Cabinet

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |  Biography



KahloFrida Kahlo

Mexican Artist
One of the most significant artists of the twentieth century

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |   Biography  |   Kahlo Organization   |   PBS Biography   |  Smithsonian Museum 


GoodallJane Goodall

British Primatologist & Anthropologist
Order of the British Empire

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |   Biography  |  Goodall Organization   


YousafzaiMalala Yousafzai

Pakistani Author & Activist
Youngest Nobel Prize Winner

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |   Biography  |   Malala Organization


BjorgenMarjit Bjorgen

Norwegian Cross-country Skier
Highest Medal Count of Winter Olympics

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |   Washington Post  |  Eurosport 


MizrakhaniMaryam Mirzakhani

Iranian Mathematician
2014 Fields Medal Recipient

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |   NY Times  |   YouTube   |   The Atlantic   |  Vice 


SchollSophia Scholl

German Student & Anti-Nazi Activist
Executed by Natzis at Age 21 for Treason

Learn more:  Wikipedia  |   Biography  |   Jewish Virtual Library   |  Sophia Scholl Film




2017 - be bold for change

For International Women's Day 2017 and beyond, individuals and organizations were encouraged to Be Bold for Change by taking ground breaking action that truly drives the greatest change for women. Many influencers around the world committed to bold action to accelerate gender parity, acknowledging their responsibility to do what they can to forge a more gender inclusive world.


2016 - Pledge for parity

in 2016, organizations and individuals around the world were invited to support the Pledge for Parity campaign and commit to helping women and girls achieve their ambitions; challenge conscious and unconscious bias; call for gender-balanced leadership; value women and men's contributions equally; and create inclusive flexible cultures.